Funded Projects
Rapid effects assessment of explosives using genomics and quantitative markers of exposure
- Developed, and implemented gene arrays permitting rapid assessment of 24DNT and RDX toxicity mechanisms in fathead minnow.
Rapid assays for munitions-related compound effects
- Developed rapid assays to assess whole genome impacts of munition-related compounds: Gene arrays, short exposure
screening in Daphnia, rat cells, rat livers, and fish.
- Dramatically accelerated time to assess sublethal effects and mode of action.
Quantitative markers of munitions-related compound exposure
- Genetic markers of exposure in rat, earthworms, Daphnia magna and fish.
Molecular mechanisms of munitions-related compound toxicity
- Bobwhite Quail: RDX, 26DNT.
- Earthworms: TNT, RDX, Lead.
- Rats: RDX, TNT, 26DNT, 24DNT, 4ADNT, 2ADNT, Tungsten and tungstate toxicity.
- Fathead minnow: 24DNT, RDX.
Classification of munitions-related compound exposure by genomics
- Developed gene markers for earthworms, rat cell cultures, and fish that permit discriminating chemicals by effects on gene expression.
Conservation of munitions-related compound responses across species
- Meta analysis of RDX impacts on rat, fathead minnows, earthworms, Northern Bobwhite quail, water fleas (
Daphnia magna), coral (Acropora formosa).
- Comparison of genomic and behavioral responses of fathead minnow and zebrafish to RDX exposure.
- Conservation of response to nitroaromatics across species.
Toxicogenomic assessment framework for integration into predictive toxicology of munitions-related compounds
- Toxicogenomics in Ecological Risk Assessment. Taylor and Francis, SETAC Press.
- Tools, protocols and information databases permitting rapid assessment of munitions-related compound impacts
on aquatic species (fathead minnow, Daphnia magna), Terrestrial species (rat, earthworm), and avian
species (Bobwhite quail).
Field Application of Genomic Tools
- Screening soil for explosives contamination and bioavailability using earthworm gene assays.