
Dry Lab Facility

Supercomputers located at the DoD High Performance Computing Center of Information Technology Laboratory for High Performance and Throughput Bioinformatics Data Analysis and Processing as well as Large-scale Systems Biology Data Management Used by the Toxicogenomics Program

  1. Diamond (SGI Altix ICE) has 1,920 compute nodes with 15,360 compute cores and 24 G dedicated memory per node.
  2. Jade (Cray XT4) has 2,146 compute nodes with 8,584 compute cores and 8 G dedicated memory per node.

Diamond_SGI_ICE Jade_CrayXT4

Computational Cluster as Centralized Server for Raw Data Backup and Bioinformatics Analysis Pipeline Prototyping

  1. Ten nodes total with linux OS.
  2. Two nodes with 64-bit computers with two processors and 2 G memory.
  3. Eight additonal nodes with 32-bit computers with one processor and 500 MB memory.
Bioinformatics_cluster01 Bioinformatics_cluster02
Environmental Laboratory